Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Critical Thinking in Anatomy and Physiology
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
In this episode of The APS Publications Podcast, we feature Dr. Erik P. Silldorff, and Dr. Gerald D. Robinson (both at Towson University) discussing their recently published Personal View of critical thinking skills as essential to the effective performance of many careers, particularly those involving healthcare. To aid the development of these skills in physiology, the formation of logical cognitive frameworks needs to be supported via instruction that emphasizes the context of physiological functions (the “why”), as well as the causality of their sequential actions. Within such frameworks, students become capable of cognitive reasoning required to reach intuitive conclusions after system perturbations. Hear more from the authors by listening now.
Erik P. Silldorff, and Gerald D. Robinson Development of critical thinking skills in human anatomy and physiology Advances in Physiology Education, published October 17, 2023. DOI: 10.1152/advan.00131.2023