Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
First-Gen Freshmen Perceived Academic Preparation
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
In this episode of The APS Publications Podcast, we highlight Education Research published by Leary et al. In this study, the authors proposed several potential avenues by which to support first-generation freshmen’s academic success in physiology programs, including early identification of at-risk students, setting realistic expectations, educating students early and often about evidence-based strategies, and developing academic recovery strategies as needed. Listen to hear Dr. Brian Leary and Dr. Miriam Leary (both at West Virginia University) discuss how their study. This qualitative investigation of first-generation college freshmens’ perceptions of academic preparedness informs the development of potential avenues by which to support first-generation freshmen in physiology programs.
Miriam Leary, David A. Donley, Skylar Watson, Landyn Hewitt, Randy Bryner, Brian K. Leary Perceptions of academic preparedness of first-gen freshmen in a physiology major inform recommendations for program-level academic development initiatives Advances in Physiology Education, published March 1, 2023. DOI: 10.1152/advan.00152.2022