Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Omics and Submaximal Work Capacity and Trainability
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
In this episode of The APS Publications Podcast, we feature Monalisa Hota of Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School, Singapore highlighting the recently published research “Omics-driven investigation of the biology underlying intrinsic submaximal working capacity and its trainability.”
NEW & NOTEWORTHY Multi-omics and in silico explorations of the genes and underlying biology of submaximal exercise capacity and its response to 20 wk of endurance training were undertaken. Prioritized genes were identified: 13 genes for variation in submaximal exercise capacity in the sedentary state and 5 genes for the response level to endurance training, with no overlap between them. Genes and pathways associated with submaximal exercise capacity in the sedentary state are different from those underlying trainability.
Monalisa Hota, Jacob L. Barber, Jonathan J. Ruiz-Ramie, Charles S. Schwartz, Do Thuy Uyen Ha Lam, Prashant Rao, Michael Y. Mi, Daniel H. Katz, Jeremy M. Robbins, Clary B. Clish, Robert E. Gerszten, Mark A. Sarzynski, Sujoy Ghosh, and Claude Bouchard
Physiological Genomics 2023 55:11, 517-543