Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Remote Compared to Face to Face Pathophysiology Teaching
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
In this episode of The APS Publications Podcast, we shine a spotlight on Dr. Roberto Zatz (University of São Paulo) summarizing the recent study by Haydar et al. The authors were able to make a rare direct comparison of face-to-face and remote strategies for the teaching of undergraduate medical students in renal pathophysiology. Unexpectedly, students who attended the remote course had significantly higher grades than those who had mostly in-person classes. To find out more, listen now.
Ahmed Haydar, Itamar Souza Santos, Luis Carlos Arcon, Mílton de Arruda Martins, Patricia Zen Tempski, and Roberto Zatz Remote vs. face-to-face activities in the teaching of renal pathophysiology in the context of social isolation during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic Advances in Physiology Education, published September 25, 2023. DOI: 10.1152/advan.00257.2022